Support the GCO
The Gateway Chamber Orchestra is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to presenting inspired concert programs, innovative educational outreach, and world-class recordings. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support the GCO. Your gift goes directly toward funding programming, educational outreach activities, and operational expenses. Thank you for your support!
To donate by check, please make your check out to "Gateway Chamber Orchestra" and mail to:
Gateway Chamber Orchestra
2250 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Suite F, #222
Clarksville, TN 37040
To make a one-time or recurring donation online, click below.
We extend our deepest gratitude to
the 2008 Society, our sponsors,
and our supporters!
Maestro's Circle ($10,000 and up)

Tennessee Arts Commission
Encore ($5,000 to $9,999)
Lisa & Greg Wolynec

Finale ($2,008 to $4,999)
Eric & Elaine Berg​
Melinda & MIke Biggs
Michael Chandler & Ben Torres
Hunter Clouse
Solie Fott
The Predators Foundation

Symphony($1,600 to $2,007)
Dee Boaz
Stuart & Peggy Bonnington
Joe Filippo

Concerto ($800 to $1,599)
Jacqueline Crouch
Kristina K. & Charlie Foust
Charlsie & John Halliburton
Ross & Nancy Hicks
Jan Hodgson
Ellen & David Kanervo
Susie Perry

Adagio ($400 to $799)
Kevin Kennedy Law Firm
Brad & Lisa Martin
Ardith Wolynec

Overture ($200 to $399)
Gisela E. Asquith
McKenzie Kelly
Gregory Leggett

Contributors ($60 to $199)
Kroger Community Rewards
In Kind
Austin Peay State University